Saturday 27 April 2013

Nearly there with my new book "When anorexia came to visit"

My new book When anorexia came to visit: Families talk about how an eating disorder invaded their lives, is almost complete! Janet Treasure has written a Foreword, Becky Henry (author of Just tell her to stop) has written a Preface, Laura Collins (Founder of FEAST and author of Eating with your anorexic) has written an Introduction - and then there are 20 individual family stories plus a snippet from my own story at the back.

I'm still waiting for a few revisions from a couple of families, but it won't be long before I can send off for the first printed proof and give it a thorough read-through.

I am immensely grateful to the families that have willingly contributed to this book either by answering my initial questionnaire, writing their own account or allowing me to interview them over the phone. Not only have they had to re-live their own distressing story by doing this but they've had to re-visit it again when checking through my draft. "My" families are awesome.

You will read about some good treatment experiences and terrific outcomes, but you will also read a few which weren't so positive but which will hopefully have a happy ending before too long.

I know that there can never be a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to eating disorder treatment and that they are notoriously difficult to treat, but - judging from the 20 stories in my new book - it really is a case of good treatment equals a good chance of a good recovery.

When anorexia came to visit: Families talk about how an eating disorder invaded their lives will be published in the summer. Watch this space!

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