Wednesday 4 November 2015

Pizza Express, not distress

Ben's massive addition to my weekly supermarket shop reminded me of the other week when Paul and I drove down to Sheffield to celebrate my birthday with Ben. We went to Pizza Express, a restaurant where, back in the 'bad old days' when Ben's anorexia was raging, we had some particularly distressing episodes.

But there was Ben, this time round, ordering the larger size pizza with a sizeable list of extra toppings. When it was served, he pointed to his mountainous pizza and said "Does THIS make you realise that I am perfectly OK and that you have NOTHING to worry about, mum?" Because, yes, you've guessed it, I constantly worry, like we parents do and will probably always do...

1 comment:

  1. Bev, don't worry about your worry! It is a natural part of being a parent. That being said, I know what it is like to try and keep my worry to myself so that my kids don't get affected by my stress when they're totally safe and just exploring their own natural limitations.

    Margaretta Cloutier @ Aspire Wellness Center
