Friday 6 July 2012

A reply from the Headmaster

Oh, I miss that school already now Ben has officially left. For the past seven years it's been part of my life almost as much as it's been part of his. Four fantastic years followed by three very difficult years. Yesterday I got a reply from the Headmaster to the letter I wrote to him at the weekend. Here is an edited version:

I count it a privilege to  have been able to play a part in making it possible for Ben to complete his secondary education and to have been able to provide whatever support we could throughout a most difficult illness.

I hope that you will keep us informed of Ben's progress over the years ahead (or nudge him to!) because we will be genuinely interested in following his future career; and should we be needed at any time for further advice and support you know where to find us!

Thank you for your support of Ben and the school throughout his time here. At the new parents evening I refer to the 'journey' that starts in Year 7; we never know how difficult (or easy) that journey is going to be but being able to be part of that with so many young people and families over the years is one of the best things my job involves.

With every good wish

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