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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Detective Mama makes a discovery

You know I'd never have known about this if I hadn't delved a little deeper and done some trawling around the Web...  The fact that Ben's first choice of Uni now has what is called a Disrupted Studies Form which deals with exactly the kind of issue I've been ranting on about. It's brand new, introduced this year.

Ben has been (conditionally) accepted by two courses at this uni and neither of their admissions teams informed me about this form despite the fact that I telephoned both to discuss Ben's situation.

It took a Google search this afternoon for me to make the discovery.

Result? I have talked to the Man in Charge of the form and he was really, really helpful.

I've also been in touch with school to talk about the element of the form which they need to fill in.

Now I know what we need to do and I also know that, hopefully, there just might be some flexibility if Ben fails to get his grades in the summer.

Good old Mama Matty, hey...


  1. Well done you! I can imagine how these things go: someone decides they need this, and creates the form. They may even stick it in the staff newsletter, but absolutely noone in the individual university departments reads this and it never occurs to them to check.

  2. You know that I'm a Yank, Matty. What is this 'Disrupted Form' and how would it impact Ben?

  3. VM, I believe the Disrupted Studies Form is unique to that particular university.

    Should Ben fail to get the grades he needs for course entry (and which, under normal circumstances, he is capable of getting), then they might ('might' being the operative word) allow him in with slightly lower grades if they believe his lower grades are a result of him having missed so much schooling over the past 2 years.


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