Thursday 7 February 2013

I am still here! Just...

At the moment I'm not blogging as much as I used to because I'm busy going through (the third?) printed proof of my new book "Please eat..." Now, please don't groan and tell me off for ranting on about my book yet again, but - really - this final stage is crucial. I must get it right. Also, I'm ecstatic about all the great reviews that are coming in - from professionals, other authors and parents. So when is publishing date?

Well I'm still waiting for a few reviews to come in. And my manuscript is still with a couple of people that are reading through it and making comments.

Then I need to tweak the front and back covers, and request a further (and hopefully final) printed proof to check over.

I also need to upload a Kindle version and update my Amazon description.

With any luck I will then be able to press the dreaded "submit" button and off we go!


It's been a very busy week.

And now our central heating and hot water have broken down. So I am typing this wearing several jumpers, gloves, boots and a scarf.

In the meantime, here are the reviews to date...

"Please eat… is an essential read for anyone trying to understand more about eating disorders in teenage boys. Bev Mattocks describes the story of her son's anorexia but also provides insight for other families facing this complex illness in a world where anorexia is still associated with teenage girls. Totally recommended." - Sam Thomas, Founder, Men Get Eating Disorders Too 

"Bev Mattocks shares her painful personal story so beautifully that the reader feels a deep connection. This will benefit parents in reducing isolation and feeling more powerful in speaking with health providers. This is a powerful account which health care providers around the world need to read before meeting with their first eating disorders patient." - Becky Henry, author of Just Tell Her to Stop 

"The world is slowly coming to realise that 'Boys Get Anorexia Too'. Bev Mattocks writes honestly and from the heart about helping her teenage son to overcome anorexia. Like ours, this is another success story of a family working together with friends, school and clinicians to beat this insidious illness. Many families will find great comfort from reading this story as well as much needed energy to fight the eating disorder." - Jenny Langley, author of Boys Get Anorexia Too 

"Please eat… made me very emotional, it’s hard recalling those moments when you realise something is wrong. I am sure the book will be a valuable resource for many parents battling with eating disorders." - Parent 

"Please eat… is gut wrenching and touching. It captivated me and I could hardly breathe as I was reading it. I read the first 6 chapters in one sitting. Bev Mattocks has done such a great job of bringing her story to us in a vivid and personal way. I hope this book does very well not only in the UK but also in the rest of the English speaking world." - Parent 

"When I first came across Bev Mattocks' story, I was in the depths of despair with my daughter's anorexia which was spiralling out of control. Bev helped me realise, through her blog, that we were not alone. But most importantly, that we could do something to help our daughter recover… that, as her parents, we were part of solution and not the cause of her eating disorder. Bev pointed us towards the Around the Dinner Table forum and the FEAST website both of which have proved invaluable together with Bev's powerful insight into her son’s illness and determination to help him recover. Her book Please eat… is an empowering book that will help parents and carers everywhere feel more confident that they can do much to help their son or daughter in their fight against anorexia nervosa." - Parent 

"I’ve read the first 6 chapters of Please eat… and it is so moving and engaging. Bev Mattocks has created a totally convincing picture of what it is like, and it's always respectful of her son, Ben. It certainly educates, so that a parent who’s in doubt would recognise the symptoms. And it’s very easy to read. It reminded me how confusing it can be, at the earlier stages, when the restricting is variable: just when you think your child isn’t eating, suddenly they are… but you don’t realise that it’s because they think they've 'earned it' through exercise." - Parent

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