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Monday, 18 February 2013

Ben is going through my final proof... slowly...

Last summer, Ben and I went through the manuscript for my new book: Please eat... with a tooth comb. However I've changed and expanded it quite a bit since then. So now he's decided to go through it all again, so I ordered 2 final printed proofs which arrived the other day: one for me and one for him.

I've already been through mine. He's still on chapter 4 of his (only another 28 to go... 255+ pages in all...). Not because he's finding problems with it (although there is the odd minor tweak I need to do), but because, I suspect, it doesn't make easy reading for him.

But he's adamant that he wants to read it again. So I will need to wait until he has finished before I can go ahead and publish.

And I may decide to order another "final" printed proof before I do.

Just to make sure it's perfect!

Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to it :)
    Reading the first one has been tough but also reassuring in a strange way even though its my daughter suffering . well done you .


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