Sunday 6 February 2011

Anorexia - What a difference 6 months makes...

Get this...

In September we went out for a meal and our 16 year old son refused to eat a single morsel. Instead he just sat there, in floods of noisy tears, while we miserably ate our meals. It was a busy and very popular country inn and everyone was staring. After all, it's not often you see a 16 year old boy in tears in public! Also the worried waitress kept coming over to see if the food was OK and ask what was wrong - of course she'd never be able to understand why our son was in tears, refusing to eat what was, to all intents and purposes, a perfectly delicious meal...

Last night we returned to the same inn for the first time since the above incident. Our son consumed a large plate of battered cod, chips and mushy peas without any stress or hesitation whatsoever. Also, there was none of the old stress where he used to take AGES choosing something, changing his mind backwards and forwards... and then going for the option containing the least fat / calories... And there was none of the old after-meal blues when the anorexia would beat him up about being a 'greedy pig'.

Another victory against anorexia... Hopefully it will help to put back some of the weight he lost last week...

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