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Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Taking the focus off the eating disorder...

On Saturday we acquired a 12 month old cat (a rescued cat from the Cats Protection League) who has been settling into our household extremely well over the last few days. The great thing is that it's taken a lot of the emphasis off the eating disorder, enabling us to be pretty close to 'normal' for the time being. Cats are also soooo relaxing. So far, it's definitely making a positive difference to everything. Ben has been wanting a cat for YEARS...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm not sure if you remember me, I made a long comment on another post. Just pleased to hear the cat is working out as im getting a dog when im out of hospital for the exact same reasons.

    comment on my blog if you want support anytime :)

    say hi to ben

    good luck


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