Saturday 12 January 2013

Amazon, "eating disorders" category DOES exist!

Please, please, please dear Amazon... all I want to do is get my book listed under "eating disorders" within the "social & health issues" within "biography"... yet you have insisted - twice - that there is no such category. But here I am, on Amazon, clicking "biography", "S&H issues" and - bingo! - "eating disorders" appears as a category. It's where all the other eating disorder biographies / autobiographies I've read reside. Yet you insist there is no such category! Aaaarrrrggghhh!

No, Amazon, I don't want to be listed in a different category because you insist that the category I want to be listed under doesn't exist.


Pretty please, Amazon, is there anything you can do to list me in this category?

I've just fired off my third email to you, asking you to click onto Amazon yourself and click through to the "eating disorder" category.

Heck, I even described it in "idiot-proof" steps. You can't miss it!!!

Sob... all I want is for my book to be listed under "eating disorders"!

Is this too much to ask?


  1. I just searched it under the "eating disorder " category under "biography" and it popped up- 3rd book down.

  2. I can imagine that is very frustrating. It makes sense to me that it would be listed under eating disorders. I, myself, have found the eating disorder category on Amazon. I hope they listen to you.
