New Challenges (manditory):
- 1st Jan week – with mum carefully monitoring current fat intake to ensure it's within 30-40% of daily intake
- 2nd Jan week - adjust diet up to this level if required, still carefully monitoring it for the week
- Monthly session with dietician to check on fats progress / weight maintenance / increase in line with age
- Adjusting to weight going up and down rather than being constant – tramlines
- Adjusting to eating less bulk because of the need to eat more fat (if required)
- New ‘fear food’ challenges if required e.g semi-skimmed milk, full fat cheese and yog
- Moving the focus away from food 24/7 (work with dietician)
- Introducing other things to his life to replace food obsession
- Medication – must take some and not come off it for the time being
- Work with me on DBT etc - if relevant
- Socialising / filling spare time in day / eve – set weekly tasks
- Making own decisions and choices instead of me making them for him
- Walks / talks to talk these things through and ensure continued momentum
- Regularly review need for psych support
Brilliant - we have the opposite problem with volume - fats are "OK" here because they don't take up so much room, "feeling full" is abhorrent to ED and something we need to challenge.