Wednesday 12 December 2012

Why do I feel strangely naked today?

Why? Because the wonderful Becky Henry CPCC, author of "Just tell her to stop...", coach and public speaker on eating disorders has offered to give the final draft of my book the "once over" and write a review (hopefully a good one!). And, boy, do I feel strangely naked!

Just emailing my draft to someone from the States has been a Good Exercise in viewing the draft with different eyes.

For instance I've picked up on quite a few phrases that maybe a US audience might find difficult to understand - and no doubt Becky will point these out to me.

I've also picked up on a couple of typos (ouch!) - and no doubt she will point these out to me, too.

But, then, that's what this exercise is all about.

Most important of all, however, I hope she likes it. I hope she thinks it reads well, is engaging and absorbing, and does the job i.e. helps parents of other teenage boys (and girls) who might be worried that their child is developing an eating disorder to identify the signs and take action.

Like I took action (and solace), three years ago, when I read Jenny Langley's book "Boys get anorexia too".

The other weekend I met author and mother Jenny Langley and told her how much her book had helped me back then. Indeed it was the first book I read on eating disorders; my sister dug out a link to it and suggested it might be a useful book to buy.

So I did. And it was.

Plus, as I say in my own book, I kept on flicking through to the end - the Happy Ending where Jenny's son recovered, went on to university and to lead a normal, happy life.

He is still enjoying this normal, happy life, I am thrilled to say.

But, meanwhile, I nervously await Becky Henry's feedback on my book...

And, boy, this ice-cold frosty December morning isn't the best time of the year to feel strangely naked!

PS: Read about why I wrote my new book "Please eat..." here.

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