Monday, 13 June 2011

Testing the water next month with a short holiday...

Last summer, Ed the anorexia 'demon', stowed away on our holiday and ruined it. So this year, so far, we hadn't booked anything. Yesterday I tested the water by booking a week in a cottage in the Peak District in July on condition that, this time, we stick to the eating plan / calories. Last year, CAMHS encouraged us to "take a holiday" from calorie-counting and "just eat / act normally".

Not surprisingly, Ben had lost quite a bit of weight by the time we returned - and continued to lose weight before stabilizing at a sub-optimal weight in the Autumn, increasing in Spring 2011 before returning to a sub-optimal weight on Friday.

On top of this there was NOTHING "normal" about our summer holiday. It was sheer hell!

But this year I've decided to push out the boat and test a week away. Being in the UK and in a self-catering cottage makes it easier to 'police' and I have high hopes that it will be a success.

So, in addition to the usual holiday lists, there are meals to plan: breakfast, lunch and evening meals - because, this time, ED will be kicked out the door the moment he tries to ruin our holiday and make our son lose more weight!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think taking holidays (holidays from recovery, not holidays in general!) during recovery really works. It only takes a day of not eating enough before the ED thoughts come back full force. Even after 18+ months of weight restoration I get a bit weird about returning to normal eating after stomach viruses. The momentum has to be kept up - it's like backwards or forwards are the only options, and there's no way of standing still. Good luck making sure that ED doesn't stow away in the luggage ;)
